About Us

St Georges Rd. Primary School is situated in a well established central location of Shepparton – nestled between Wyndam St. and Archer St. and High St. and McIntosh St. The school entrance faces St. Georges Rd. while access to our school hall is from John St.

We have an Out of School Hours facility onsite offering before and after school care. Our Campus 2, the Shepparton English Language Centre is located on the northwest corner of the school grounds, and the Arthur Mawson Children’s Centre, located on the Hayes St side of the school offers a 3 Year-old Fun Group and a 4 Year-old Preschool program.

Our students enjoy large, spacious and shaded play areas with separate junior and senior ovals, playgrounds and asphalted areas along with beautiful gardens and areas for passive play. Our kitchen garden, large school hall, outdoor learning areas, English Language Centre annexe and large multimedia centre enhances our programs and optimises learning for all our students. Each classroom has a pod of desktop computers, access to iPads and an interactive whiteboard. The school offers a netbook leasing program to enhance our digital learning opportunities for our students. With increasing enrolments, the school has seen additional modern portable buildings to complement our modern open space work areas in the senior section of the school.

St. Georges Rd. Primary School implements the Victorian Curriculum and highly talented staff provide a broad, inclusive and enriching learning program that prioritises Literacy and Numeracy, social competencies and equips students with technological abilities to thrive in the 21st century.

Specialist programs provide  a stimulating, engaging and comprehensive curriculum which nurtures talent, builds confidence, student leadership skills and citizenship qualities. These programs include Visual and Performing Arts, Multimedia, LOTE – Italian and Koorie Culture.

Other specialised support programs include Reading Recovery, Literacy and Numeracy Intervention and Acceleration and English as an Additional Language support. Classroom teachers are responsible for the Platoon Physical Education and Sports program, which is well resourced, to support a broad range of physical and leisure activities. The school has a culture of sporting success that is strengthened with our weekend soccer and netball teams, coached and managed by staff members and our parent community. A number of before and after school enrichment programs are on offer, including homework clubs, and sporting activities. Alternative lunchtime activities such as knitting club, African drumming and guitar sessions further enhance the skills and interests of our students.

Community Partnerships have been formed which enhances the school’s programs including weekly Reading volunteers and a visiting Paediatrician. ​

Our staff at St. Georges Rd. Primary School comprise a Principal, two Assistant Principals- Student Learning & Student Engagement and Wellbeing; Teaching and Learning Leader, classroom and specialist teachers, Intervention teachers, classroom support staff, administrative personnel, a school nurse, Out of School Hours Staff, English Language Centre staff, ICT Technicians, a Koorie Engagement Coordinator, Multi-cultural Family Liaison Officers, Play Therapists and a School Chaplain.

This year we have around 440 students enrolled at our school.